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Project Description

For over forty years, Walker has played a key role in helping the community manage waste through safe disposal services. As Walker’s existing South Landfill in Niagara Falls nears its final capacity, Walker is proposing to develop the next phase of the landfill to continue to provide waste management for local residents and businesses. We are committed to providing safe, responsible, and reliable solutions for the disposal, logistics and transfer of our community’s waste.

Phase 2 of the South Landfill will provide additional disposal capacity over a twenty year period, supply renewable energy for the community by turning landfill gas into energy, and continue to support over 500 jobs in the Region.

The South Landfill is a state-of-the-art, engineered landfill designed with exceptional safety and environmental controls that accepts only solid non-hazardous waste. Phase 2 of the South Landfill would be developed on lands owned by Walker, located immediately east of current landfilling operations to seamlessly transition into a new adjacent fill area. Existing waste management infrastructure such as the site entrance will not change.

A landfill must undergo a rigorous planning and decision-making process called an Environmental Assessment. This process is regulated by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP) through the Environmental Assessment Act, which is designed to protect, conserve, and wisely manage Ontario’s environment.

Learn more about the Environmental Assessment Process

Walker's Resource Management Campus is a dynamic operation that manages waste efficiently and recovers resources sustainably.

Our innovative campus operations help communities reduce, reuse, and recycle waste.

Learn more about our campus operations.
Desktop Map of Niagara Resource Recovery Campus Mobile Map of Niagara Resource Recovery Campus

EA Process

A landfill must undergo a rigorous planning and decision-making process called an Environmental Assessment. This process is regulated by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) through the Environmental Assessment Act, which is designed to protect, conserve, and wisely manage Ontario’s environment. A Two-Step Process:

The Terms of Reference (ToR) is the initial step in the EA process. It is a document that serves as the roadmap for what will be studied in the EA and outlines the public consultation that will take place. The ToR step takes approximately 1-2 years to complete.

Notice of Commencement of ToR
November 30, 2023
Public Open House
December 14, 2023
Draft ToR Review Period (Government & Public)
March 7 - April 22, 2024
Submit Final ToR
June 28, 2024
Final ToR Review Period
ToR Approved
September 10, 2024

The Environmental Assessment (EA) is where the scientific studies occur. These studies identify the effects of the project, both positive and negative, and proposed mitigation measures where needed. The EA step takes approximately 2-3 years to complete.

Notice of Commencement of Environmental Assessment
Public Info Session
Issue Draft EA
Public Info Session
Draft EA Review Period (Government & Public)
Submit Final EA
Final EA Review Period (Government & Public)

To learn more about the Environmental Assessment Process, you can visit the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ website.

Why Walker?

Walker is a fifth-generation family-owned company headquartered in Niagara.

We partner with communities to provide responsible solutions, find innovative ways to recover resources from waste, and keep our people safe through our commitment to health and safety.

presentation Four decades of
landfill and resource recovery expertise
presentation Extensive environmental monitoring and controls
presentation Safe and reliable landfill design and engineering
presentation Committed to community and future generations

Approval of Terms of Reference

On Sep 10, 2024, the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the South Landfill Phase 2 Environmental Assessment (EA) was approved by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, marking the successful completion of the first step in the EA process. The approved ToR will serve as the roadmap for how the environmental studies and consultation activities will be conducted as part of the EA.

Walker provides tours of the Resource Management Campus to school groups, community organizations, and interested members of the public.

Book one with us now!